Thursday, March 22, 2012

The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped

While restoring a database backup file in my hosting I was prompted with some error message regarding existing user in the database. So I decided to delete those users. But while trying to delete the users from my local sql sever management studio, error occurred.
The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped.
I tried out browsing the property of the user and removing the assigned scheme from the lists. It was somehow unsucessful. So I decided to go search for the solution and stumbled at doing it the most powerful way - through command.
Here goes the solution - Revoke the database schema assigned to the user and assign it back to the default db object.
ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA :: my_user_name to db_owner
 If you want to assign the schema  to another user, here is how you accomplish it.
 ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA :: my_schema_name to my_user_name
kick it on


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